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ADP- Only the Educated are Free (newly released)

Price: $35.00
Authored by Professors John Cheffers and Kenneth Hawkins, This Book describes 30 years of experiences in the Boston University Teacher Preparation Program. The thrust is experiences at the University itself, in residential field experiences and in the schools. The story pre-empts the important recommendation of the Presidential Blue Ribbon Committee that teacher preparation models should resemble medical school programs which stress clinical experiences (as reported in the Wall Street Journal on November 10, 2010). CONTENTS Teaching as Scholarship - Great Models - Teaching Like Learning is Change and Risk - Good Teaching involving Change, Adaptation, Excellence and Creativity - Essential Blue Prints for Success - What Exists Currently, What is Missing - The Leap – John and Jane Doe to Teachers - Debriefing - Research - An Analogy in form of “A Weaning Process” - The Curriculum Via Theory and Practice - Essential Intangibles - Excellence: Humanism: Force and Persuasion: Whiteheads’ answer to the moribund is Adventure - Testing - Systematic Observation (CAFIAS) - Measuring Teacher Quality (TPCQ) - Measuring Involvement (IRG) - Measuring Management Quality (MPCQ) -